World Time Clock ================ The following list displays some of the major world cities (countries or regions) for each timezone. World Time Clock uses city names to allow changing between cities for a specific timezone. World Time Clock operates on timezones rather than by city names. The GMT/UTC hour indicator identifies how many hours away a specific timezone is from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This may enable you to more clearly understand the timezone concept. When Selecting your own timezone, you should select the timezone that you reside in regardless of whether the city labeled is the same as your own. If it falls within the same timezone as your city, then this is the correct timezone that should be selected. To verify the correctness, ACCEPT the timezone and then check to see if the time is the same as your local time, if so then you have selected the correct timezone (Assuming your computer's clock is set correctly). NOTE: These timezones are listed in order from the International Date Line going westward as the New Day occurs throughout the world. Time differences between zones are listed as Standard Times only. While some areas adhere to daylight savings time, not all do. Hence, times may vary from area to area depending upon the time of year and whether one or all areas adhere to daylight savings time. Timezone 1 (GMT/UTC + 12 Hours) Fiji New Zealand Auckland Marshall Islands Petropavlovsk Timezone 2 (GMT/UTC + 11 Hours) Solomon Islands Kuril Islands *Timezone 3 (GMT/UTC + 10 Hours) Sydney Guam Saipan Melbourne New Guinea Vladivostok Micronesia Timezone 4 (GMT/UTC + 9.5 Hours) Mid-Australia Adelaide *Timezone 5 (GMT/UTC + 9 Hours) Tokyo Osaka Seoul *Timezone 6 (GMT/UTC + 8 Hours) Peking Shanghai Manila Taipei Hong Kong Perth Mongolia Beijing Timezone 7 (GMT/UTC + 7 Hours) Jakarta Bangkok Vietnam Singapore Malaysia Cambodia Laos Timezone 8 (GMT/UTC + 6.5 Hours) Burma Rangoon Timezone 9 (GMT/UTC + 6 Hours) Bangladesh Kazakhstan *Timezone 10 (GMT/UTC + 5.5 Hours) India New Delhi Bombay Calcutta Timezone 11 (GMT/UTC + 5 Hours) Maldives Pakistan Karachi Timezone 12 (GMT/UTC + 4.5 Hours) Afghanistan Kabul Qandahar Timezone 13 (GMT/UTC + 4 Hours) Oman U.A.E. Azerbaijan Armenia Timezone 14 (GMT/UTC + 3.5 Hours) Iran Tehran *Timezone 15 (GMT/UTC + 3 Hours) Behrain Ethiopia Baghdad Kenya Kuwait Qatar Saudi Arabia Tanzania Uganda Moscow St. Petersburgh *Timezone 16 (GMT/UTC + 2 Hours) Botswana Bulgaria Cyprus Cairo Helsinki Athens Jerusalem Tel Aviv Amman Bucharest Cape Town Istanbul Zambia Zimbabwe Kiev Minsk Timezone 17 (GMT/UTC + 1 Hours) Rome Florence Budapest Berlin Paris Prague Brussels Vienna Amsterdam Warsaw Oslo Madrid Zurich Belgrade Stockholm Tripoli Casablanca *Timezone 18 (GMT/UTC + 0 Hours) Greenwich London Glascow Dublin Lisbon Iceland Reykjavik U.T.C. Mali Liberia Timezone 19 (GMT/UTC - 1 Hours) Cape Verde Timezone 20 (GMT/UTC - 2 Hours) Mid-Atlantic *Timezone 21 (GMT/UTC - 3 Hours) Asuncion Canelone Buenos Aires Rio de Janeiro Thule Timezone 22 (GMT/UTC - 3.5 Hours) New Foundland St. Johns Timezone 23 (GMT/UTC - 4 Hours) La Paz Santiago Aruba Labrador Asuncion Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Puerto Rico San Juan Barbados *Timezone 24 (GMT/UTC - 5 Hours) Washington New York Boston Atlanta Miami Toronto Baltimore Philadelphia Cincinnati Detroit Bogata' Lima Ecuador Panama Havana Montreal Timezone 25 (GMT/UTC - 6 Hours) Dallas Chicago Kansas City New Orleans Minneapolis Milwaukee Memphis Topeka Houston Nashville Nicaragua Honduras Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Mexico City Guadalajara Winnipeg Timezone 26 (GMT/UTC - 7 Hours) Denver Phoenix Cheyane Salt Lake City Des Moise Flagstaff Edmonton Calgary Alcopoco *Timezone 27 (GMT/UTC - 8 Hours) Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego San Jose Sacremento Vancouver Portland Seattle Oakland Tijuana Mexicali Timezone 28 (GMT/UTC - 9 Hours) Anchorage Fairbanks Timezone 29 (GMT/UTC - 10 Hours) Honolulu Waikiki Hawaii Aleutian Islands Timezone 30 (GMT/UTC - 11 Hours) American Samoa Western Samoa * = These timezones are represented as clock displays in World Time Zone.